Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Disc-Shaped Craft Paces Motorist's Car on Hwy 10 | MY UFO EXPERIENCE30 September 2015

Disc-Shaped Craft Paces Motorist's Car on Hwy 10 | MY UFO EXPERIENCE
30 September 2015

Reader Submitted Report

     This happened about 20 years ago. I rarely speak about this for fear of being laughed at or just being crazy.

My husband, my infant son and my 8 year old niece we were driving to Arizona from California on Hwy 10 east. It was about 2:00 am it was my turn to drive my husband was asleep as well as the baby my niece I assumed that she was asleep the hwy was empty not a car or truck coming or going all of a sudden I hear my niece asking me, “what's that auntie?”

I ask, "What’s what?"

She said, “Look up auntie” and there it was a disc shaped hovering above us seem to be following me on the highway; I slowed down to a crawl.

I just couldn't believe what I was seeing I tried to wake my husband up but he wouldn't wake up I punched him with a lot of force he just wouldn't wake up to see this incredible sight that we were seeing, my niece and I.

I turned my cars lights on and off on and off like in a sequence, I remember close encounters, so hey maybe lights will work like music, well it did—the light blinked on and off, copied everything I did.

I listened for a motor sound of some sort, I heard nothing. It was hovering and flying above me as I drove slowly on the highway; in a blink of an eye it was gone, lighting speed gone! No airplane or helicopter could ever do this. I was dumbfounded … did I just make some sort of contact with an out of this world intelligence?

I remember this like it was yesterday; my niece also. We often speak about this to each other. My husband woke up after the UFO left, strange huh?! The UFO was about a 100 feet above me with bright lights underneath; it illuminated my side of the highway it was truly one of the most awesome experiences of my life.

Thank you for letting me tell my story

the ufo chronicles

THE UFO CHRONICLES  Helicopter's 'Robotic Landing Gear' Can Set Down Almost Anywhere | VIDEO 29 September 2015

Helicopter's 'Robotic Landing Gear' Can Set Down Almost Anywhere | VIDEO
29 September 2015

By Darpa

Automated folding legs radically adapt to angled, irregular and moving surfaces

 Helicopters are incredibly maneuverable in the air, but during landing and takeoff their traditional skid- and wheel-based landing gear requires stable, flat surfaces—surfaces that are often unavailable in helicopter-needy environs such as forward operating areas, ships at sea and natural-disaster zones. Having the ability to land on and take off from angled, irregular and moving surfaces would greatly expand the effectiveness of helicopters across many military and national security missions.

As part of its effort to provide such a breakthrough capability, DARPA has conducted an experimental demonstration of a novel robotic landing gear system. The adaptive system replaces standard landing gear with four articulated, jointed legs that are able to fold up next to the helicopter’s fuselage while in flight and are equipped with force-sensitive contact sensors in their feet. During landing, each leg extends and uses its sensors to determine in real time the appropriate angle to assume to ensure that the helicopter stays level and minimize any risk of the rotor touching the landing area


V-Shaped UFO hovered just below big dipper in Plush, Oregon On 24 September 2015

Date of sighting: Sept 24, 2015
Location of sighting: Plush, Oregon, USA
Source: MUFON report #70932

Eyewitness states:

Camped on Beatty's Butte east of Hart Mountain national antelope refuge while on an offroad motorcycle tour. We were just going to bed when an extremely bright white light appeared in the western sky as if an aircraft with landing lights was flying directly towards us. No sound was heard for the duration of the sighting. Suddenly, one at a time, bright orange lights dropped out the area where the bright light had been. The orange lights faded away almost immediately, much faster than a typical flare drop from a military aircraft and much brighter. The same image suddenly appeared north west of the initial sighting. The same bright white light with orange lights dropping out of it happened. The same series of lights appeared again where the original craft had been and one more time to the northwest. Creepy was the word we both used to describe the sighting as there was no sound and the lights, if known military would have been audible. We did not have a fire or any other indication that we were camped out there but we have been through this country many times and witnessed low flying military aircraft presumably from the Kingsley Air National Guard base in Klamath Falls, OR. The area is also known as the Catlow Valley and is some of the most remote uninhabited parts of the lower forty eight states just north of the Nevada border. We would very much like to know if there was any military training going on in the area at that time.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

UFO Descends Near Moon During Eclipse, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.  29 September 2015

UFO Descends Near Moon During Eclipse, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News. 
29 September 2015

Date of sighting: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Location of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Source: MUFON #70934

Here is a cool sighting of an object near the moon during the eclipse. The object was seen with the naked eye and in the photo it looks like a partially visible disk. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
My husband and I kept going outside to see the different phases of the eclipse last night (Sept. 27 2015) We saw that high above the moon was a very bright object. Very very bright, we thought maybe it was a planet or star or something like that. Then we realized it looked like it was reflecting the light of the moon. Over 20-25 minutes it descended and then was just gone. I took several pictures of it with my cell phone. We have a friend in Colorado who was also watching the eclipse and he didn't see anything in the sky like what we saw. At first I assumed it was some natural phenomenon but the more we watched the less it looked like anything else I have ever seen in the sky. Looking back at the pictures I still can't be sure what it is, that is why I am filing this report. We looked outside every few minutes, it kept getting lower and lower...seemingly closer to the moon and then it disappeared. I made a collage photo of some of the different elevations...the third pic in the collage is just a cropped version of one of the others. I have several pics on my phone if you would like anymore. I added one of the single pictures, currently having trouble uploading the rest...but i have them and can send later if you want them.


'Breakthrough Message' to Those Extraterrestrials 28 September 2015

'Breakthrough Message' to Those Extraterrestrials
28 September 2015

Hello? We're probably not here

By Billy Cox
De Void

“To Whom It May Concern:”

This is how I would begin my “Breakthrough Message” to those extraterrestrials who are just like us and are currently scanning infinite space for intelligent radio or laser signals generated by societies that happen to be just like them. I’ve decided to enter the contest because I know how aliens just like us think, and if my letter gets chosen to represent all of humanity, I can win a million bucks.

“When you get this message, I will be dead. My children, my grandchildren, their children, and their children’s children will be dead, too. When and if you choose to reply, I can’t vouch for the character of who’ll be reading your response. But I can assure you that, posthumously, as far as I’m concerned, this was the happiest day of my life.”

Oh wait – did you miss it? Over the summer, with the support of celebrity physicist Stephen Hawking, Russian jillionaire Yuri Milner decided to rejuvenate the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with a $100,000,000 gift. A fraction of the greenery goes to whoever produces the best “Breakthrough Message.” The UK SETI Research Network decided to enter the sweepstakes a few weeks ago, so game on, I’m in.

“This dispatch emanates from a world called Earth [see attachment for coordinates]. Point the best telescopes you’ve got in the direction of our G2V yellow dwarf star and we're the third rock out. We're the planet with the junkyard haze of satellite debris in permanent orbit, our own little welcome-mat of hurtling shrapnel. Since you’ve acquired and deciphered this signal, that means by inference you’re using the kind of technology that likely went obsolete here several hundred years ago, or however long it took you to confirm our presence. I say ‘likely’ because there may not be much left of us now.

“We’ve been randomly ejaculating a mishmash of our own unique noise into the universe for nearly a century, but the decision to send an intentional focused message is probably as much a eulogy as it is an act of faith. We are, from all appearances, genetically predisposed toward migration and colonization on Earth, but when we sent explorers to our moon – you should have a moon, since you're just like us – we couldn’t find anything to easily exploit so we decided it wasn’t worth the effort to send Earthlings back there. And that was nearly half a century ago. Our decision to hang back and stick with the known world defied some of the most fundamental impulses of our species. But the truth is, when it comes to making collective sustained commitments to much of anything anymore, we’re about as reliable as hogs on ice [photo of hogs included in attachment]. We did manage, however, to dispatch robotic probes on photo-recon missions of our solar system. We even peered deep into impossibly distant galaxies, but all that did was make us feel irrelevant. So mostly we just decided to stay put and fall back on our insecurities and our languages and our gods and our tribes and our nations and our legends and our history, which has a perversely reassuring way of repeating itself.

“Are you noticing unidentified flying objects coursing randomly through your atmosphere, without authorization? So are we. But if you’re like us, you're ignoring them because life is complicated enough already. However, considering how Earth is probably at least a few hundred years ahead of your technology, here’s a remote but possible explanation for what's going on upstairs: They could be ours. Really. Because at the time we sent this message, our planet was on the front end of a calamitous environmental transition that none of us had much enthusiasm for confronting. Our sea levels are on the rise due to global warming trends created by our proliferation and negligence. The high ground is reserved for only the most privileged members of our civilization. What you may be seeing in your air space could be their escape modules, dispatched without fanfare before the flood. There shouldn’t be many of them it takes a lot of money to break the laws of physics -- but their values could present a danger to critical thinking, so just ignore them and they’ll probably go away. As for the unorthodox things flying around in our own skies, we not only haven't figured that out, we couldn’t care less because we know for a fact they can’t possibly be you.

“So this is the historic crossroads we've all been waiting for. If they're still alive, our distant progeny, to whom you will hopefully respond hundreds of years from now, are dying to hear back. Choose your words carefully. Be gentle, be smarter, and -- once again
greetings from Earth.”

I'm so money. But if you think you’ve got a better “Breaththrough Message,” now’s the time to air it out. [...]


Not Alone: Survey Reveals Most People Believe in Intelligent Alien Life, 29 sept, 2015

Not Alone: Survey Reveals Most People Believe in Intelligent Alien Life

© AP Photo/ Juan Carlos Llorca

Are we alone in the Universe? It’s a question humanity has asked for decades, and a new survey provides interesting statistics on our modern beliefs about E.T.


Robotic Snowden Says Aliens May Be Hiding Something From Us

People living in the most developed economies of the world believe in aliens, according to a new YouGov survey.

More than half of those living in the US, UK, and Germany tend to think that we are not alone in the universe, and that those alien civilizations have developed the ability to communicate with distant planets.

But while 52% of British citizens believe in intelligent life, they are much more hesitant about the notion of getting in touch with those extraterrestrials. While 46% supported the idea of reaching out to our cosmic neighbors, 33% said there is no need for communication. Roughly 21% said they were unsure.

Along gender lines, men seem to be more accepting of the idea. While 54% of men think aliens exist and should be contacted, only 40% of women agree.

It's not the first time that people around the globe have pondered whether we're alone in the universe, and a number of scientific projects have been launched to hunt for signs of intelligent life.

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, for instance, has teamed up with Russian tycoon Yuri Milner and launched two new attempts to find intelligent alien life. The first, called Breakthrough Message, is an international competition aimed at creating a signal to send from Earth out into the void of space.

The second has been dubbed Breakthrough Listen, and hopes to find any possible evidence of alien beings. Using both the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Parkes Observatory in Australia, the project will listen for alien radio signals.

Then there's the Square Kilometer Array. While the SETI Institute already uses radio telescopes to hunt for artificially constructed signals in the recesses of space, new SKA installations in South Africa and Australia could add to that search in 2018.

In a recent interview, even famed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden stated his belief that aliens may already be listening in.


Stephen Hawking Supports Search for Aliens Despite Threat of Earth Invasion

According to the survey, alien-deniers are a clear minority. Nonbelievers make up 22% of Americans, 20% of Brits, and 12% of Germans.

When asked why E.T. has not yet tried to reach out to humans, 58% of respondents cited distance as the main reason, while 57% believe our technology is simply not developed enough to communicate with sophisticated, intergalactic beings.

Twenty four percent of E.T. believers agreed with the statement that intelligent life is aware of Earth, but prefers not to contact humanity.

There are also the conspiracy-minded, with 17% of those polled blaming the world's governments for hiding information about alien contact

Read more:

“… Lash was an ET-Human Hybrid Working for US Intelligence Agencies …” 29 September 2015

“… Lash was an ET-Human Hybrid Working for US Intelligence Agencies …”
29 September 2015

Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange Case of Jeffrey Alan Lash 

By Jack Brewer

On or about July 17, police retrieved the deceased body of Jeffrey Alan Lash from a vehicle parked in Pacific Palisades, Cal. The story soon broke that two women, Catherine Nebron and Dawn VadBunker, parked the car where it was discovered with the corpse inside. Attorney Harland Braun had apparently informed authorities of its location. 

Braun was hired by Nebron and described her as Lash's longtime fiance. Braun informed the media that Nebron and her employee and assistant, VadBunker, were with Lash on July 4 when he died of causes brought on by terminal illness. They were reportedly in a grocery store parking lot at the time. 

After Lash died, the women reportedly relocated the vehicle, left the body in it and fled to Oregon. Braun stated the two did so for reasons including they believed Lash was an ET-human hybrid working for US intelligence agencies, and that his contacts would soon retrieve the body. They reportedly opted to not seek medical treatment for the dying man for similar reasons, and maintained they were following his prearranged instructions. It would later surface that at least one additional party may have also been with the two women, and the grocery store where the man was said to have died was, oddly enough,frequented by Whitley Strieber.

Nebron returned to the Los Angeles area from Oregon approximately twelve days later to find the remains of Lash still sitting undiscovered in the vehicle. It was apparently then that she contacted Braun for assistance and legal representation, and the attorney notified authorities of the body.

Police subsequently searched a condo owned by Nebron and reported to be the residence of her and Lash, which was located in the vicinity of where she and VadBunker left the car containing the corpse. The search resulted in the confiscation of some 1200 guns, additional weapons and literally tons of ammoestimated to be worth several million dollars. The two-bedroom, 2,000 square-foot condo was located in a relatively exclusive area and was valued at $750,000 to $1million. Every room of the structure was reportedly stacked to the ceiling with guns and boxes of gun accessories, more weapons, such as machetes and bows, and cases of ammo. Police filled the driveway and a nearby alley with items brought out of the condo. An LA police captain described the scene as the worst case of weapons hoarding she had ever seen in her 27-year law enforcement career. Some $230,000 in cash was confiscated from the condo and reportedly counted in a neighbor's garage.

Media reports described neighbors as saying Lash occasionally claimed he was an intelligence operative, and neighbors also stated they did not know how the condo became filled with weapons and boxes. They had not noticed how all the items were delivered to the residence. 

Lash was additionally reported to have owned many vehicles, one of which was described as an SUV equipped to drive underwater. VadBunker's husband, Jim Curry, told reporters the woman's job entailed renting garages all over Southern California to store what he described as Lash's dozens of vehicles. The story, Curry explained, was that Lash was CIA and had other agents who might need vehicles on a whim. 

Online sleuths and interested parties began uncovering more info about VadBunker, including an odd letter she wrote to her parents, in which the woman described her recent actions as having been for the good of the world. VadBunker's mother, Laura VadBunker, corroborated existence of the hybrid story to the media, stating that the entire episode was "worse than a Twilight Zone movie." 

"He was part alien and part human and was out to save the world," Laura VadBunker added.

Also introduced in the online community was a suspicious alleged legal doc interpreted to have been posted by the younger VadBunker, establishing her as a member of the VadBunker family, but its origins and purposes were not entirely clear. While investigating the document, an individual using the screen name SysConfig subsequently identified the judge who allegedly signed it as having been retired prior to its creation date, further calling its authenticity into question.

SysConfig identified a unit neighboring the condo owned by Nebron as owned by Assistant District Attorney Whelma T. Llanos and attorney Dominic J. Messiha. The unit owned by Llanos was near the condo where Nebron and Lash reportedly resided and the weapons stash was confiscated, and it may possibly have been Llanos' garage where the nearly quarter of a million dollars was counted. SysConfig notified a news outlet which had previously covered the story. A response was received, but no particular interest was demonstrated by the outlet in the irony of an Assistant DA possibly being a neighbor of Lash and Nebron.

Authorities have not yet reported results of their investigations into the origins of the weapons, cash and additional items taken into custody. When all the dust settles, the legal status of the weapons and cash will prove to be key aspects of this truly bizarre story. The intentions of the various people involved, their lines of work, and the purposes of their actions and statements may never be entirely clear, only whether or not police ever file any charges against any of them. At this point, foul play is not suspected in the death of Jeffrey Alan Lash, whoever and whatever he may have actually been in life.


Aliens Saved Earth From Nuclear Destruction’ – Edgar Mitchell

‘Aliens Saved Earth From Nuclear Destruction’ – Edgar Mitchell

We have heard many stories about Extra-terrestrial interaction with Nuclear weapons, but Moon Mission Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, has made an astonishing claim that Aliens actually came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between America and Russia, and here to help keep the peace on Planet Earth.

Edgar Mitchell who was part of the Apollo 14 team back in 1971, recently spoke to a mainstream UK Newspaper (Mirror Online).  Edgar confirmed to the newspaper that many UFO’s were spotted near nuclear weapon tests by top Ranking Military sources.

Edgar has been open about his belief in Aliens for a long while now, pretty much since his since his involvement with the moon landing.  He has become one of the leading UFO figures around the world and is constantly pushing forward with trying to discover the TRUTH about the ET’s.

Mr Mitchell confirmed that many senior US Military officials had seen with their own eyes large UFO’s way up high above missile bases.  Even at the White Sands Facility where the first ever Nuclear weapon was detonated had UFO’s watching above it!

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Hundreds Of UFOs Finally Proven To Be Real, Sept 27, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.  28 September 2015

Hundreds Of UFOs Finally Proven To Be Real, Sept 27, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 
28 September 2015

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This is rather cool. UFOvni2012 just made another video of the sun like he did last month. This time, he caught a giant object passing in front of the sun. Maybe this big thing isn't a UFO, maybe its one of our planets, but what is very important is that this has a few black dots on it. You see, this confirms that the black UFOs on the edge of the sun are not glitches in the program, but are actual UFOs collecting energy from our sun. The UFOs almost move at the speed of light when changing positions. We found the evendence we needed to prove these are real. Thanks UFOvni2012 for an awesome catch. 

Oh, and to view the UFOs better, please watch in full screen mode, and switch the settings to HD and slow the speed down to .25 so you can see the UFOs. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Return Giant UFO Sphere Passes Around The Surface of The Sun, Sept 25, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Strange ‘Skull-Shaped’ Space BLOB Confirms The ET’s Existence, 28 sept, 2015

Strange ‘Skull-Shaped’ Space BLOB Confirms The ET’s Existence?

This INCREDIBLE green image, of a green, glowing ‘skull-like’ object found in outer space is being hailed as the latest proof aliens exist….It appears that the ‘drip feeding’ of Disclosure is coming through thick and fast!

The strange-looking luminous mass was found on a sampling device above the stratosphere in India.  It is assumed to be a cluster of  thousands of “virus”� particles loaded with extra-terrestrial DNA.

It is thought that this strange blob could be responsible for the “seeding” of the planet with alien genetic material, leading to the thought that perhaps our EXISTENCE on earth is due to ‘Extraterrestrial involvement’ – The seeding of life!?

This image was given exclusively to the Daily Express Newspaper based in the UK by scientists, before they sit down and discuss about this potentially “historic and life-altering implications of the find.” Like the film ‘Prometheus’could it be that we were very cleverly CREATED by ET Beings?

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Old Man On A Chair On Mars Near NASA Rover, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.  27 September 2015

Old Man On A Chair On Mars Near NASA Rover, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 
27 September 2015

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Mars

Source NASA photo:

At first, I had to laugh at this, but then I took a closer look and it was a very pleasant surprise.Streetcap1 of Youtube found what look like a old man with a beard and a whitish robe over his right shoulder. He also looks like he is sitting down, cross legged and watching the rover nearby. It looks like Streetcap1 and I are on the same page, because I found something similar I was going to post today, but I will save it for later this week. Very cool little guy. 

Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:

Notice the steps leading up to a platform, where what looks like a humanoid figure rests peacefully in a chair. Been there for millions of years maybe. Also above the steps is a 'built looking' construction. Maybe nothing, maybe something.

Marshenge!!! Stonehenge Looking Area On Mars Discovered! Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.  23 September 2015

Marshenge!!! Stonehenge Looking Area On Mars Discovered! Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 
23 September 2015

Date of sighting: Sept 2015
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:

This is something remarkable found byMister Enigma of Youtube. Its two circles of rocks and one square in its center. This is not the first time I have seen this. I have seen it many times in dozens of photos of Mars, always a circle. Sometimes with big rocks, sometimes smaller, but always on small hills only.

Scott C. Waring

UFO Fleet Over Glasgow, England On Sept 26, 2015, UFO Sighting News. 

UFO Fleet Over Glasgow, England On Sept 26, 2015, UFO Sighting News. 

Date of sighting: Sept 26, 2015
Location of sighting: Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Source: MUFON #70844

Eyewitness states:
I was on my phone and someone messaged saying that the moon looked beautiful tonight a it did. I the looked out the window to see 4 red lights in the sky. At first I thought it was glare coming from the window, then I opened my window to discover these orbs flying across the sky. I took a picture then called my mother. I habe never felt so nervous in my life. When I was speaking to her she could see the orbs flying where I was I could see exactly where they were coming from. I seen 4 orbs form a diamond shape then orb into one then shoot across the sky one at a time. All In there were 7-8 orbs flying in the same flight path.


UFO Moves Over Traffic Causing Accident In Russia, Sept 18, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.  27 September 2015

Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Russia
News source:

This is a cool video posted by Myunhauen74 of Youtube. A UFO is moving over the road, distracting the drivers so much that they get into an accident. I would like to see that on the police report. "Aliens made me do it officer!" Yeah, focus on driving guys. Safety first, UFOs second. 

Scott C. Waring

News states:
One person died and another was seriously hurt in Udmurt Republic, western Russia, when a vehicle crashed because of an alleged UFO sighting. Like Us on Facebook Mirror reports that video footage on a car dashboard camera showed another vehicle, a small white car, collide with a lorry near Izhevsk. In the same footage, an object is seen moving in the sky erratically. The UFO was also visible to other travelers on the same road. According to Daily Mail, the lorry was seen swerving on to the verge to the road's right which forced the white car to swerve into the road. However, another car on the opposite of the road hit the white car and flew off the road. The British daily says the drivers involve in the crash were likely distracted by the UFO, causing them not to look to the road and the traffic on the opposite lane. The lorry's driver was not hurt but is undergoing treatment for shock. The 60-year-old driver of the car died, while his 22-year-old passenger was badly injured and is in the hospital. Police are investigating the UFO sighting. The incident happened on Sept. 18, and since it was posted, the 50-second video had gone viral with almost 17,000 views. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Rare Blood Red Supermoom Eclipse Set For Sunday - America & Europe Will Have Good Seats Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, 26 sept, 2015

Rare Blood Red Supermoom Eclipse Set For Sunday - America & Europe Will Have Good Seats
Rare Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, 26 Sept, 2015.

As with all lunar eclipses, the region of visibility for Sunday's blood-moon lunar eclipse will encompass more than half of our planet. Nearly 1 billion people in the Western Hemisphere, nearly 1.5 billion throughout much of Europe and Africa and perhaps another 500 million in western Asia will be able to watch as the Harvest Full Moon becomes a shadow of its former self and morphs into a glowing coppery ball. 

The lunar eclipse will also feature the "biggest" full moon (in apparent size) of 2015, since the moon will also be at perigee on the very same day ─ its closest point to the Earth ─ 221,753 miles (356,877 km) away. [Visibility Maps for the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse (Gallery)]. The Sept. 27 event is therefore being called a "supermoon eclipse." The last such eclipse happened in 1982, and the next won't occur until 2033.

Almost everyone in the Americas and Western Europe will have a beautiful view of this eclipse. The moon will be high in a dark evening sky as viewed from most of the United States and Canada while most people are still awake.

The only problematic area will be in the Western United States and West-Central Canada, where the first partial stage of the eclipse will already be underway when the moonrises and the sun sets on that final Sunday in September. But if you have an open view low to the east, even this situation will only add to the drama, for as twilight fades, these far-Westerners will see the shadow-bitten moon coming into stark view low above the landscape. And by late twilight, observers will have a fine view of the totally eclipsed lunar disk glowing red and dim low in the eastern sky.

In Europe, most countries currently observe "summer time," in which clocks are either one hour ahead of Greenwich time (London, Lisbon) or two hours ahead (Paris, Rome).

For the Canadian Maritime provinces, clocks run one hour ahead of Eastern time, except in Newfoundland, where it's one and a half hours ahead.

Notable cities in the Eastern time zone include New York, Jacksonville, Florida and Atlanta; in the Central time zone, Chicago, Memphis, Tennessee, and Houston; for Mountain time, Salt Lake City, Denver and Albuquerque, New Mexico, and in the Pacific Time Zone, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.  

In the United States, Daylight Saving Time is not observed in Arizona.  Clocks there read similar to Pacific time. For most of Alaska, clocks run one hour behind Pacific time; in Hawaii two hours.


Leslie Kean Explains The UFO Phenomena in Her Own Words 26 September 2015

Educating Humanity
Leslie Kean Explains The UFO Phenomena in Her Own Words
26 September 2015

Kean was a producer for the 2009 independent documentary I Know What I Saw and is currently working with Break Thru Films, an award-winning film company, on a new feature documentary. She and her coalition have launched an ongoing initiative to affect US government policy so that scientists and aviation authorities can gain greater understanding of the still-unexplained UFO phenomenon.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Does The Vatican Know About A Portal on Sacred Indian Ground?

Does The Vatican Know About A Portal on Sacred Indian Ground?

After Tom Horn and Cris Putnam publicly proclaimed Pope Benedict would resign, The Vatican asked how they knew in advance. God told them. Now they've gotten a download on what is shortly going to happen…in the Middle East.

Following the release of their international best-seller, Exo-Vaticana, Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with requests from around the world for interviews. What they discovered sent shockwaves through Christianity concerning the Vatican's advanced telescope, which sits on top of Mt. Graham in Arizona.

 Mt. Graham is where the Jesuits admit they are monitoring something approaching the earth. After the authors published Exo-Vaticana, the pope's top astronomer took to the airwaves and the Vatican Observatory official website to explain what is happening with new ET-friendly theology and the LUCIFER device at Mt. Graham. He announced their developing doctrines on extraterrestrial life and the impact it may have on Christianity.

Now, armed with fresh information from the native American peoples, the authors have unearthed their most astonishing discovery yet. Mt. Graham is said to be a portal, a gateway to another dimension. And, as the Vatican knows, the authors found it is not the only one.

For the first time, On the Path of the Immortals reveals:

• Unveiled! What Mt. Graham really is, and why NASA and the Vatican are there
• Disclosed! What the Bible says about gateways and the beings that wait behind them
• Discovered! Scientific evidence of, and signals from, life beneath the surface of the earth
• Found! The ancient stargates and their association with vortex manifestations
• Uncovered! Gobekli tepe, Baalbek, and the secrets of the coming immortals
• Exposed! The occult's countdown calendar for the return of their gods

On the Path of the Immortals: Your Questions Answered. In On the Path of the Immortals, authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam continue the greatest investigation of our time by exposing the facts kept hidden from the public by elitists and intellectuals who are planning mankind's assimilation under a coming savior, one whom the prophet Daniel foresaw as an alien god.


Dark UFO Over Martian Surface Observes Rover, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News, 25 September 2015

Dark UFO Over Martian Surface Observes Rover, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News. 
25 September 2015

Date of discovery: September 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo:

I have never seen this kind of object on Mars before. The UFO is dark, more so than the surface of the hill, which means its not part of it. It has a pole line above and below that seems perfectly balanced. It could be that the small alien people we have been finding are still alive and this could be one of their craft observing the rover. It has a good vantage point from the hill.  

Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:

This is a photo from Opportunity Rover on Mars. I am posting the Link below. Opportunity is still LIVE and updates pictures almost daily. There are just too many anomalies being found by myself and other Ufologists to dismiss them as nothing. One day we will be proved right. When you have seen these things right above you and I have, it changes your perception of all you have been taught. People don't believe you, so I'll keep posting what I find.


Alien Figure Watching Mars Curiosity Rover From Hillside, Sept 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News.  26 September 2015

Alien Figure Watching Mars Curiosity Rover From Hillside, Sept 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News. 
26 September 2015

Date of discovery: Sept 20, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Photos 1:
Photo 2:

Guys, I found this figure in a Curiosity rover photo. I was at one of the two blogs that NASA has for the rover and caught sight of something standing upright on two legs. When I made the photo 5X bigger I found that the figure seemed human-like. I have reported about 10 figures over the last 3 years...all of them small beings like this. Some of them looked alive, others looked petrified by some cruel weapon. Why does NASA ignore these alien figures? Because finding life is not part of their public mission, but is on the rovers covert missions it performs. Publicly, the rover is there to appease the curiosity of the public...thusly they named the rover...Curiosity. 

Scott C. Waring

Friday, September 25, 2015

UFO Over Henderson Watching Over City At Night, Nevada On Sept 23, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.  25 September 2015

UFO Over Henderson Watching Over City At Night, Nevada On Sept 23, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 
25 September 2015

Date of sighting: Sept 23, 2015

Location of sighting: Henderson, Nevada

This UFO looks like its scanning the city at night, or even watching over it. The UFO is bright red and accelerates fast. The UFO just disappears when its lights turn off, so we cannot determine what direction it leaves in the end. Overall, its an awesome video by Steve Barone of Youtube. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 

This video was captured in the foothills near Henderson, Nevada which borders Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of September 23, 2015. This is such a reliable spot to capture UFOs. I get the feeling that these UFOs have been there doing what they do for a very long time. One of these days I hope to understand what their purpose is and what it is they are doing. I could see at least a couple UFOs in this video but at times there can be six or more of them back there


Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Strange Underwater Mysteries We Still Can't Explain, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 

5 Strange Underwater Mysteries We Still Can't Explain, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 
23 September 2015

I have to admit that some of these underwater mysteries have been on my mind for some time. Especially the Baltic Sea UFO found under water. Although a sample of it was taken was confirmed to be a stone material, it is probably a war ship, like the ones used to destroy Mars long ago, that is why its solid, but not stone, microtechnology build to be strong like stone, that is why the boats electronics all died when the ship was above it. 

Scott C. Waring

Beyond Science of Youtube states: 

During the past century with the advent of sonar and better diving equipment, numerous underwater anomalies have been discovered, but many are still not solved.

Aliens could be trying to contact Earth, but humans may not be able to pick up the signals Say SETI

Aliens could be trying to contact Earth, but humans may not be able to pick up the signals Say SETI, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.
23 September 2015

Date of announcement: September 17, 2015
News source: states:
At this very moment, an advanced alien civilisation may be trying contact Earth. But despite our best efforts, we could be oblivious to their messages because humanity do not yet have the means to pick up the signals. This is according to Dr Nathalie Cabrol, who is leading the hunt for alien life at the Seti Institute in California. Speaking to, Dr Cabrol said we are getting closer to finding both microbial life in our solar system and intelligent life elsewhere.
She believes, in our lifetime, we'll find simple alien organisms close to Earth and a replica of our planet in another galaxy. Finding intelligent life, however, may not be as easy - largely because of our own limited view of the universe. 'See how much progress we have made in the past 100 years,' said Dr Cabrol. 'If there is a civilisation out there that is only 1,000 years older than we are, who knows what type of technology, or what type of process, they’ve put into communicating with others. (Much more at source).

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

23 sept 2015, Yuri Milner, Russian Billionaire Says The Time Is Right To Contact Aliens

Yuri Milner on the Hunt for Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life

Unlike some, billionaire Russian VC Yuri Milner is not scared that killer robots are coming to destroy humanity in the years ahead. His view about the rise of artificial intelligence is better described as a beautiful friendship between humans and machines.



Snowden Claims Encryption Would Prevent Alien Messages From Being Recognized

Alien silence explained? Snowden says encryption could be squashing space signals

Edward SnowdenEncryption has become a top priority for those wanting to protect their privacy online, but US whistleblower Edward Snowden says the security measure could be making it impossible to detect signals sent from...aliens.

Snowden's comments were made during an interview on the 'StarTalk' podcast of astrophysicist and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The whistleblower was speaking from Moscow via a robot video link called a “beam remote presence system.” Controlling the robot from Russia, he was able to roll straight into Tyson's office at the Hayden Planetarium in New York.



September 22, 2015 Two UFOs Near SOHO Satellite, Changes Direction, Sept 18, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Near SOHO satellite
Time: 19:42

Guys, I was looking through the LASCO 3 photos and found two UFO shoot past the SOHO satellite as it viewed the sun. The first moves so fast, it looks like it has a trail and it reveals how it made a hard left turn towards the satellite. The second just appeared after the first as if it were chasing the first UFO. 

Scott C. Waring

Monday, September 21, 2015

UFO Sighting 2015: ‘Crashed Spaceship’, ‘Ancient Faces’ and ‘Strange Woman’ in … – International Business Times, India Edition

UFO Sighting 2015: ‘Crashed Spaceship’, ‘Ancient Faces’ and ‘Strange Woman’ in … – International Business Times, India Edition

MarsNASA Official Website

Pictures of the Mars captured by NASA’s Curiosity Rover are no doubt fascinating, but nobody seems to observe them as closely as conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts. After claiming to have spotted ancient faces and a strange woman in photos of the red planet in the past, they now say that a crashed spaceship could be seen in one of the recent photos taken by the Rover.
“I found this anomaly in the latest Curiosity Rover photo. The black object looks like a crashed UFO. The craft is only about 2.5-3 meters across, so it probably only held a few passengers,” wrote Scott C Waring on UFO Sightings Daily. “There is only one photo of the ship. The rover usually takes many of each area, but not this one. Perhaps tomorrow it will take more.” 
It may be mentioned that Waring had earlier claimed to have spotted ancient faces in a picture of Mars taken by NASA’s Rover. He also claimed that a woman-shaped figure could be seen in another photo, saying that it looked “like a woman partly cloaked”.
The alleged ancient faces or the Martian woman or the crashed spaceship identified by UFO enthusiasts in NASA’s Curiosity Rover pictures could be just a piece of rock or sand that happens to take the shape from a certain angle.
It is obvious that they have keen interest in UFOs and observe every detail in the photos. Some may find their findings interesting but there is no credibility whatsoever with NASA not revealing any evidence that suggests existence of such objects.
Claims of UFO sightings on Mars may be taken as “illusions” until proved by NASA or some other credible organisation.
“It’s really easy to pick out rocks or other things that look like something else in pictures like this,” Guy Webster of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory had earlier told Cnet when asked about the alleged woman-like figure on Mars.

(Image Source: NASA)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Iridescent UFO Hangs Over Cloud In Costa Rica On Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News. September 19, 2015

Iridescent UFO Hangs Over Cloud In Costa Rica On Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.
September 19, 2015

Date of sighting: September 2015
Location of sighting: Escazu, Costa Rica
News source:

Here we have what I believe to be a UFO above a cloud. Its color is iridescent. Many UFOs are iridescent as seen in reports around the world. This UFO is observing the humans below. We intrigue them. Thats a good thing. It shows they care in some way.
Scott C. Waring

Saturday, September 19, 2015 What's Likely To Happen If We Send Aliens A Computer Virus

Saturday, September 19, 2015
What's Likely To Happen If We Send Aliens A Computer Virus

Experts Worry How Aliens Would React If We Send Them A Computer Virus
What are we to aliens? Do they look out for extraterrestrial creatures like we do? How would they react if we suddenly made a way to appear in the skies from where they live? Would their reaction be worse if we sent them a computer virus, to make ourselves known to them?
British scientists are bothered that a computer virus might be sent as an accidental attack against outer space creatures possibly years and years - centuries or even millennia - more advanced than Earth.

Saturday, September 19, 2015 Pulsating UFO Hovers Over Merseyside

Saturday, September 19, 2015
Pulsating UFO Hovers Over Merseyside

This strange light was seen hovering in the night sky above Merseyside.
The mystery diamond-shaped object pulsated, getting brighter and bigger and then fading only to reappear again.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Who Told Walter Haut about the Rowell Debris Field? September 18, 2015

Who Told Walter Haut about the Rowell Debris Field?
September 18, 2015 

By Kevin Randle
A Different Perspective

Since this debate about the press release has gained a little traction here, I thought I’d add a few facts and perspective to see if we can’t reach some sort of a reasonable conclusion. We do have a great deal of information and while some of it is in dispute, there are aspects of it on which we all seem to agree.

THE UFO CHRONICLES "The Moon is Shrinking," says NASA September 17, 2015

"The Moon is Shrinking," says NASA
September 17, 2015

The gravitational forces the Moon and Sun exert are responsible for Earth’s rising and falling tides. Earth’s gravity also exerts forces on the Moon in the form of solid body tides that distort its shape.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Crater Jansen Is Dome Alien City With Hole Blown Through On Our Moon, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News. September 18, 2015

Crater Jansen Is Dome Alien City With Hole Blown Through On Our Moon, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.
September 18, 2015

Date of discovery: Sept 17, 2015
Location of discovery: Crater Jansen, Earths Moon
Google coordinates: 13°44'33.81"N 28° 8'57.68"E

UFO Fleet Reveals Itself Near Space Station On Sept 13, 2015, UFO Sighting News

UFO Fleet Reveals Itself Near Space Station On Sept 13, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
September 18, 2015

Date of sighting: Sept 13, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at ISS

UFO Over Hsinchu, Taiwan On Sept 15, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

UFO Over Hsinchu, Taiwan On Sept 15, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Hsinchu, Taiwan

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Multiple Witness Watch Two UFOs Hover Over Calilfornia Mass UFO Sighting Over Los Angeles

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Multiple Witness Watch Two UFOs Hover Over Calilfornia
Mass UFO Sighting Over Los Angeles

Chris Montague was with a group locals and had simply gone up to the well-known viewpoint to get a look at the city by night, and instead got far more than he bargained for.

UFO Over Bangkok,Thailand Might Be Ezekiel's Wheel, Sept 14, 2015

UFO Over Bangkok,Thailand Might Be Ezekiel's Wheel, Sept 14, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
September 17, 2015

Date of sighting: September 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Bangkok, Thailand

Thursday, September 17, 2015

UFO Follows Argentina Pilgrims During 290km walk, Sept 12, 2015, UFO Sighting News. September 16, 2015

UFO Follows Argentina Pilgrims During 290km walk, Sept 12, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
September 16, 2015

Date of sighting: September 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Salta, Argentina

News States (Translated):
A UFO accompanies the pilgrims? In a photo shared on Facebook had the presence of a foreign object on Mine walkers Hammer was observed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Triangle Shaped UFO Over NY Stops, Hovers and Move Off At High Speed UFO Over Port Jeffereson NY Stop and Hovers In Mid-Flight

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Triangle Shaped UFO Over NY Stops,
Hovers and Move Off At High Speed
UFO Over Port Jeffereson NY Stop and Hovers In Mid-Flight

Witness Testimony: Was driving home from work on my Normal route when I looked to my left I noticed red an blue lights hovering I stopped and watched for a little bit to see if it was just someone playing with a toy but then the object went higher into the air and started to move pretty fast I then took out my phone and started to record for as long as I could till my phone died.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Skyfire Summit, The Travis Walton Story Fire In The Sky Summit - Nov 5-8, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Skyfire Summit, The Travis Walton Story
Fire In The Sky Summit - Nov 5-8, 2015

This historic conference marks 40 years to the day Travis and his fellow crewmen encountered a mysterious flying disk which would change their lives forever! Come hear them tell their stories in person! Hear what happened firsthand from the police officer who met them that night, and the investigator who covered the case. Listen to lectures from our wide variety of experts on UFO related topics, and catch the screening of the new documentary Travis.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 UFO Hovers Over Serious Floods in India

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
UFO Hovers Over Serious Floods in India
UFO Sighting 2015: White Shiny Disc-Shaped Object Caught Hovering Over Flood-Affected Assam

In what could be taken by UFO (unidentified flying object) enthusiasts as aliens watching over human beings affected by nature's fury, a white shiny disc-shaped object was reportedly caught hovering over the flood-affected region of Assam State in India by a photographer.