Monday, September 07, 2015

Multiple reports of UFO sightings occurring in skies above Gold Coast over the weekend September 07, 2015 1:10PM

Multiple reports of UFO sightings occurring in skies above Gold Coast over the weekend

SEPTEMBER 07, 2015 1:10PM

THERE’S close encounters of the first kind afoot, with several UFO sightings reported over the weekend.

The sightings, of what are described as bright lights over the southern Gold Coast, occurred at about 7.30pm last night.

Multiple people contacted the Bulletin this morning reporting the sightings.

One resident said the object she saw moved around rapidly in the sky.

“I saw what looked like a bright star then it disappeared and reappeared in a different spot and then disappeared again,” she said.

“It was as bright or even brighter then the evening star.

“Strange things have been happening in our skies lately”

Is China Hinting At Using Weapons With UFO Technology In New Simulation? Sunday, September 6, 2015 17:46

Dabhoo77- Is China Hinting At Using
Weapons With UFO Technology In New Simulation?
Sunday, September 6, 2015 17:46

(Before It's News)

Dabhoo77 caught something very telling that many may have missed,  in this dramatic war animation video that was produced by a billion dollar tech company in China.  For a moment in this video the view shifts up skyward, and then plain as day there appears to be very bright UFO orbs that drop some funky looking cone shaped weapons from above.

Is this China’s way of saying we have a very special type of UFO technology, that would be used from above in the event if a war should ever break out between the US and China, and we’re almost there. With China’s message being, we’re the new super power in town, better get your act together quickly and watch your step! They obviously put a lot of effort and detail into the making of this video animation, complete with a 666 stamped on a ship at the 3:30 mark in the second video. Liberator

Monument for UFO sighting in Sheffield – Berkshire Eagle, Posted on 06 September 2015.

Monument for UFO sighting in Sheffield – Berkshire Eagle
Posted on 06 September 2015.

Thom Reed recalls his experience as a 9-year-old in Sheffield in 1969 when he, his brother, mother, and grandmother all witnessed and came in contact with what they and others in the town describe as a UFO in a field near the Sheffield covered bridge. A monument, paid for by the community, has been erected at the spot to commemorate the incident’s significance, as it is the only UFO sighting to be acknowledged by the US Government as a historical event.

UFO Fleet Over Tijuana, Mexico Gives Spectators a Fright, Sept 4, 2015.

UFO Fleet Over Tijuana, Mexico Gives Spectators a Fright, Sept 4, 2015.

Date of sighting: Sept 4, 2015
Location of sighting: Tijuana, Mexico

These glowing orbs were caught last night over Tijuana and show four or more glowing objects over the city. The objects flash on and off, moving in formation. The only complaint I have is that the video was shut off before we could see how they leave. 

Scott C. Waring