Monday, December 28, 2015

UFO captured? Clancy man believes he proves they exist

UFO captured? Clancy man believes he proves they exist

Phil Drake,

CLANCY, Mont.— For nearly two years Dr. Richard O’Connor has kept two cameras pointed at the sky with the deep hope and belief that something might be out there.
And then, after nearly 280,000 photos captured by motion detection, it happened.
Or maybe not.
But O’Connor’s findings of what he believes are two unidentified flying objects has set off a barrage of email exchanges, some of them angry, in the community of UFO fans and experts.
About noon on Nov. 4, his cameras captured five photos of something flying through the skies of Montana that is hard for some to explain.
“It appears to be a light source,” O’Connor said. “In my opinion, even a hardened skeptic would say ‘Wow, that is what I expect a UFO would look like.’”

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Star Wars in real life: UFO investigator 'spots Jabba the Hutt' on Mars

Star Wars in real life: UFO investigator 'spots Jabba the Hutt' on Mars

A UFO spotter obsessed with finding traces of aliens on Mars claims to have seen notorious Star Wars villain Jabba the Hutt in real life.

By Michael Havis / Published 27th December 2015

STRANGER THAN FICTION: People are claiming this could be an alien life form
Space lovers have scanned thousands of photos taken by NASA in a bid to find signs of extra-terrestrial life on the barren face of the red planet.

And since space experts announced water may exist on the Martian surface, sightings have surged.

Now one YouTube channel, Paranormal Crucible, claims to have spotted the fictional Jabba the Hutt crouching behind a rock on the alien world.

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WATCH: Mass 'UFO' sighting as blazing object filmed from California to Nevada

WATCH: Mass 'UFO' sighting as blazing object filmed from California to Nevada
HUNDREDS of shocked skygazers saw what some believe could have been an "alien UFO crash landing" just days before Christmas.

13:55, Sat, Dec 26, 2015 | UPDATED: 14:26, Sat, Dec 26, 2015

The object (circled) over Las vegas and (inset) another view
Many filmed the event reportedly seen from Las Vegas, California, into neighbouring Nevada.

US defence officials have since confirmed it was space junk - a Russian SL4 rocket body which re-entered the atmosphere above Arizona before burning up.

But many who took to social media were not convinced, declaring it was a crashing alien craft, or missiles being fired.

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NASA used Santa Claus as codename for THREE UFOs spotted on moon during lunar landings

NASA used Santa Claus as codename for THREE UFOs spotted on moon during lunar landings
A FORMER NASA contractor has claimed there were three flying saucers on the moon during one of the NASA lunar landings, but the whole episode was covered up.

07:13, Fri, Dec 25, 2015 | UPDATED: 09:17, Fri, Dec 25, 2015

Donna Hare claims to have worked for computer and engineering contractor Philco Ford during the early 1970s, in NASA's photo labs on and off the site of the group's HQ.

Ms Hare claims to have had a high level of security clearance and was able to access parts of the building known as 'Building Eight', which "gave her contact with a series of high ranking officials who leaked her information in secret over lunch".

She claims in a video testimony to have learnt NASA officials who wanted to speak out about the existence of UFOs were threatened with the loss of their pensions and forced to sign gagging orders.

She even alleged one of her contacts who leaked her information had "disappeared off the face of the Earth".

But the most outlandish claim made by Ms Hare was she was informed by sources that during one of the moon landings astronauts had found three UFOs had landed there when they touched down.

She said one contact worked in a quarantine area where landing astronauts were debriefed after they returned home.

She said: "This man was in quarantine with them and was part of their debriefing.

"He said a lot of then talked about their experience of these crafts following them.

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