Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cattle Mutilations In Argentina Point To Scientific Studies, Sept 24, 2015

Cattle Mutilations In Argentina Point To Scientific Studies, Sept 24, 2015,
17 November 2015

Date of discovery: September 24, 2015
Location of discovery: Villa Cool, Argentina

This is very interesting. Cattle mutilations are still continuing. In Argentina last month they found three cows, all had specific areas of their body taken out, but all these areas were places that the animal could catch infections the easiest. Therefore, these body parts were taken to be studied. 
Scott C. Waring

New states:
The September 24, 2015 in the town of Villa Cool in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina where three cows and a bull were mutilated, were extracted surgically language, part of the jaw and lower lip on the left side as well as their reproductive organs were missing.

By-Scott C. Waring

Guy Playing Golf Catches Two UFOs Over Area, Nov 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News. 

Guy Playing Golf Catches Two UFOs Over Area, Nov 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News. 
17 November 2015

Date of sighting: June 7, 2015, Submitted Nov 2015
Location of sighting: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON, #72507

We were made aware of this triangle UFO thanks to UFOvni2012 of Youtube. The triangle UFO is not the only one in the photo. I enlarged it and found another black UFO over the clouds on the far left of the photo. This is why the F-18s are in the area. Two UFOs showed up on radar and they were sent out to check. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
On vacation (Tucson AZ) playing golf, watched and heard F18's flying around courses a lot that day, took picture of friend and saw craft in photo it made no sound unlike F18's, it was so far off I didn't think it was a craft, (maybe a bird) plus made no sound so I went back to playing golf. Later that evening was looking at image with friend and we decided it had to be a craft of some kind. I worked for General Dynamics for few years and watched a lot of military aircraft flying and this looked nothing like any I have observed. It appeared to be ascending in a straight line at about a 20 degree angle. 

By-Scott C. Waring