Tuesday, September 08, 2015

A UFO In High Speed Passes Ryanair Jet September 8, 2015.

A UFO In High Speed Passes Ryanair Jet
September 8, 2015

A passenger on board Boeing 737 appears to record on video a small black object that passes the plane’s wing at very high speed, leaving a dark smoke trail.

The videographer of the apparent close encounter said that the pilot had to maneuver hard to avoid the unidentified flying object, which was deemed hostile.

According to the report, the footage was taken from the inside of a Ryanair flight from Holland to Spain. Lions Ground UFO group published the video to YouTube. Member Heathcliff said that a Dutch passenger caught a UFO on video while on board the airbus.

The passenger had no intention to record any strange activity as she only wanted to take a shot at the view she enjoyed. After four minutes of recording, the UFO event took place.

According to the witness’ report, she heard a lot of noise from the engines and the pilot made a sudden maneuver. The UFO allegedly put the aircraft in danger, and a lot of panics was on that plane.

Conspiracy theorist, Heathcliff, said that the object travelled too fast to be a bird.

The video has garnered over 100,000 views since being uploaded on Tuesday. It came out after the discovery of a little alien creature on a river bank that baffled Russian scientists.

According to the report, two residents next to the River Kovashi found the alien corpse with a skull in the Russian town of Sosnovy on Sunday.

The truth is out there as Gold Coasters report spike in UFO sightings over the past weekend

The truth is out there as Gold Coasters report spike in UFO sightings over the past weekend

SEPTEMBER 08, 2015 12:00AM

Tarina Callanan, 34, looking into the sky. She was one of several people to report UFO sightings on the Gold Coast over the weekend. Pic Tim Marsden
EAGLE-eyed Gold Coasters are looking to the sky after a series of UFO sightings over the weekend.

These close encounters of the first kind occurred in the skies above Varsity Lakes around 7.30pm on Sunday and have left authorities stumped.

Alien Base Found On Google Moon Map, Sept 7, 2015, UFO Sighting News. September 7, 2015.

Alien Base Found On Google Moon Map, Sept 7, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
September 7, 2015

Date of discovery: Sept 7, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Coordinates:  88°46'25.80"S   46°27'30.78"W

I was using Google Moon map and found this alien structure in the northern region of the moon. The larges of the structures looks fairly well kept. What I mean is there is no dust, no dirt on this metalic structure and it does look like its probably a very large ship. Google ruler might be a  bit off, but its readings say that the ship is 2.51km across, or 1.55 miles. It is about 590-450 meters wide depending on the area measured. 

Of course NASA knows about the structures and thousands of others, but the thing is, does NASA know if these ships and structures are being occupied? If this technology was abandoned, then it would be very easy to put a mission together to explore these structures and if possible, live in them. Why build a moon base, when there are already many there waiting for us?

Scott C. Waring