Wednesday, September 23, 2015

23 sept 2015, Yuri Milner, Russian Billionaire Says The Time Is Right To Contact Aliens

Yuri Milner on the Hunt for Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life

Unlike some, billionaire Russian VC Yuri Milner is not scared that killer robots are coming to destroy humanity in the years ahead. His view about the rise of artificial intelligence is better described as a beautiful friendship between humans and machines.



Snowden Claims Encryption Would Prevent Alien Messages From Being Recognized

Alien silence explained? Snowden says encryption could be squashing space signals

Edward SnowdenEncryption has become a top priority for those wanting to protect their privacy online, but US whistleblower Edward Snowden says the security measure could be making it impossible to detect signals sent from...aliens.

Snowden's comments were made during an interview on the 'StarTalk' podcast of astrophysicist and science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The whistleblower was speaking from Moscow via a robot video link called a “beam remote presence system.” Controlling the robot from Russia, he was able to roll straight into Tyson's office at the Hayden Planetarium in New York.



September 22, 2015 Two UFOs Near SOHO Satellite, Changes Direction, Sept 18, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Near SOHO satellite
Time: 19:42

Guys, I was looking through the LASCO 3 photos and found two UFO shoot past the SOHO satellite as it viewed the sun. The first moves so fast, it looks like it has a trail and it reveals how it made a hard left turn towards the satellite. The second just appeared after the first as if it were chasing the first UFO. 

Scott C. Waring