Monday, September 28, 2015

Old Man On A Chair On Mars Near NASA Rover, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.  27 September 2015

Old Man On A Chair On Mars Near NASA Rover, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News. 
27 September 2015

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Mars

Source NASA photo:

At first, I had to laugh at this, but then I took a closer look and it was a very pleasant surprise.Streetcap1 of Youtube found what look like a old man with a beard and a whitish robe over his right shoulder. He also looks like he is sitting down, cross legged and watching the rover nearby. It looks like Streetcap1 and I are on the same page, because I found something similar I was going to post today, but I will save it for later this week. Very cool little guy. 

Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:

Notice the steps leading up to a platform, where what looks like a humanoid figure rests peacefully in a chair. Been there for millions of years maybe. Also above the steps is a 'built looking' construction. Maybe nothing, maybe something.

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