Monday, September 28, 2015

Strange ‘Skull-Shaped’ Space BLOB Confirms The ET’s Existence, 28 sept, 2015

Strange ‘Skull-Shaped’ Space BLOB Confirms The ET’s Existence?

This INCREDIBLE green image, of a green, glowing ‘skull-like’ object found in outer space is being hailed as the latest proof aliens exist….It appears that the ‘drip feeding’ of Disclosure is coming through thick and fast!

The strange-looking luminous mass was found on a sampling device above the stratosphere in India.  It is assumed to be a cluster of  thousands of “virus”� particles loaded with extra-terrestrial DNA.

It is thought that this strange blob could be responsible for the “seeding” of the planet with alien genetic material, leading to the thought that perhaps our EXISTENCE on earth is due to ‘Extraterrestrial involvement’ – The seeding of life!?

This image was given exclusively to the Daily Express Newspaper based in the UK by scientists, before they sit down and discuss about this potentially “historic and life-altering implications of the find.” Like the film ‘Prometheus’could it be that we were very cleverly CREATED by ET Beings?

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