Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Aliens Saved Earth From Nuclear Destruction’ – Edgar Mitchell

‘Aliens Saved Earth From Nuclear Destruction’ – Edgar Mitchell

We have heard many stories about Extra-terrestrial interaction with Nuclear weapons, but Moon Mission Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, has made an astonishing claim that Aliens actually came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between America and Russia, and here to help keep the peace on Planet Earth.

Edgar Mitchell who was part of the Apollo 14 team back in 1971, recently spoke to a mainstream UK Newspaper (Mirror Online).  Edgar confirmed to the newspaper that many UFO’s were spotted near nuclear weapon tests by top Ranking Military sources.

Edgar has been open about his belief in Aliens for a long while now, pretty much since his since his involvement with the moon landing.  He has become one of the leading UFO figures around the world and is constantly pushing forward with trying to discover the TRUTH about the ET’s.

Mr Mitchell confirmed that many senior US Military officials had seen with their own eyes large UFO’s way up high above missile bases.  Even at the White Sands Facility where the first ever Nuclear weapon was detonated had UFO’s watching above it!

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