Friday, November 06, 2015

Mysterious Space Object Found in Field, 6th Nov, 2015

Mysterious Space Object Found in Field
6 November 2015

A Civil Guard officer in a hazmat suit analyzes the strange object in Murcia.
By Patricia Ortega Dolz

"The Civil Guard immediately activated its protocol for 
nuclear, radiological, bacteriological and chemical threats"

Residents of the normally tranquil Murcia countryside had their peace disturbed on Tuesday when a strange object showed up out of nowhere.

Shepherd brothers Francisco and Juan EspĂ­n del Amo, who were tending their flocks in the area as usual, stared in amazement at the grayish, oval-shaped thing that looked like nothing they had ever seen before.

The object weighed around 20 kilograms and measured about a meter in diameter. It was wrapped in a black material that appeared to provide isolation.

“It must have dropped from the sky,” they concluded, according to local media reports.

By Patricia Ortega Dolz

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