Wednesday, November 04, 2015

ISS celebrates 15 years of humans in space

ISS celebrates 15 years of humans in space

A window on our world from far, far above. Image Credit: NASA 

The International Space Station has made it possible for humans to maintain an ongoing presence in space.

Orbiting between 330 and 435km above the surface of the Earth, the ambitious orbital outpost, which also happens to be the most expensive man-made object ever constructed, has now been housing a crew of astronauts in space for the last 15 years.

The station has succeeded not only in advancing mankind's knowledge of living and working in space but has also long represented what can be achieved when several nations work together towards a common goal in the spirit of mutual friendship and co-operation.

The first module of the ISS was launched in 1998 and since then more than 69 countries have contributed to its construction and 211 astronauts from 15 countries have visited it.

While the 400-ton structure was originally intended to operate only until the year 2020 there are currently plans to extend this to at least 2024 and probably further beyond that as well.

News Source:Telegraph

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