Thursday, October 01, 2015

Witness Claims To Have Seen UFO With Mayan Markings - United Kingdom

Mysterious flashing UFO with 'Mayan' markings moves across pre-dawn sky

The images show a 'coin-like' object with eerie markings soaring through the atmosphere during the early hours.

UFO spotted by Julie and Anthony Abbott early in the morning

These incredible images clearly show a UFO seen flying through the pre-dawn sky.

In the pictures, a flashing 'coin-like' object with eerie markings is captured as it soared through the atmosphere in the early hours of this morning.

The strange celestial body was spotted by husband and wife Julie and Anthony Abbott at around 5.30am.

Julie, 36, said: "My husband saw it as he took the bins out this morning.

"He shouted for me to come quickly and look.

"He said 'Oh my god can you see that?'

"There was a flashing object moving through the sky.

"It was moving so fast it was really hard to take a picture of it - I took about fifty but most of them didn't come out.

"It just wouldn't stay still.

"But when I zoomed in it had these strange markings - like Mayan runes or crop circles.

"We stood and watched it for an hour.

"It was amazing.

"I've never seen anything like it in my life."

Anthony, 40, has always been keen to spot a UFO - but Julie is more of a sceptic.

However she has no explanation for what she saw in the sky above the couple's Stoke-on-Trent home this morning.

"I know Mars was supposed to be visible last night, but this was in completely the wrong part of the sky.

"My husband has always wanted to see a UFO, but I am a big critic.

"I have been researching all day and I can't work out what it could be.

"He is so excited, but reserved because it could be something explainable.

"I'm not saying it's aliens or anything like that, but I don't know what it is."

Julie says she would love to know if anyone else saw anything similar in the sky last night.

"It can't be a planet


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