Sunday, October 04, 2015

FBI’s Memo Confirms “Aliens DO EXIST

FBI’s Memo Confirms “Aliens DO EXIST”


A memo has recently been discovered, apparently claiming by the ‘FBI’ that Aliens do exist! This memo was discovered by some leading UFO Researchers it has been confirmed.

The UFO Investigators are based at the Hakui Centre for UFO Research in Tokyo, Japan.  Claiming that they have discovered an important document PROVING that Extra-terrestrial life exists.

The unusual memo supposedly confirms the existence of 3 foot Alien Beings, which piloted flying saucer type crafts.

According to some insiders, the FBI have become VERY anxious about this find and are concerned that if the document is released into the public domain members of the public gaining access to thousands of documents!

Don’t forget guys we have posted about leak FBI Memo’s before, about Aliens crashing at Roswell ANDInterdimensional Beings visiting earth!  Perhaps somebody within the FBI is keen for this information to be shared to the public!?

Original FBI evidence

This recent exciting Memo found, apparently confirms the below:

“An investigator for the Air Force states that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. “They were described as being circular in shape with raised centres, approximately 50 feet in diameter.

“Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture.

“According to Mr (name blanked out), the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers.”

The Truth Is Coming??

 U.I.P SUMMARY – Is it just me, but it really does feel like the FBI, NSA, MI5 and the CIA really do need to be a lot more careful with this ‘top secret’ information!?  It feels like every month we are learning more and more about what is supposedly REALLY going on, by leaked information by Government Agencies.

Like we mentioned above, this is not the first time that the FBI has leaked information about Alien Beings and I am sure it is not that last time either.  The NSA even have on their website an apparent ‘recorded Alien message’ from space, which they must have posted on there very discreetly!?  Even the UK’s government agencies appear to be slipping up recently……!?

Could it be that this is all part of the ‘drip feeding of disclosure’ or just sloppy maintenance by these ‘supposed’ professional government agencies??

This is ALL of our Universe that we live in and we are ALL part of the Universe – So we should all know the truth about our Extra-terrestrial visitors opposed to having to depend on leaked government memos/documents


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