Thursday, May 18, 2017

Russian Outlet Claims NASA Took An Amazing, Totally True Image Of 3 UFOs

Nooooo, says a NASA spokesman.


This is a public domain image showing the planet Mercury crossing our sun.

Whenever a story comes out claiming to show real pictures or video of UFOs, hope springs eternal that maybe, just maybe, this might be that elusive smoking-gun evidence of alien technology.

Not a day goes by, either, without something in the news questioning the honesty of certain Americans or Russians. Now it seems that UFOs have been added to that media storm.

The innocent image above is from a collection called Pixabay, which offers many free stock photos to use for practically anything you’d like. This one shows our sun with a circular black dot, reportedly the planet Mercury, making a transit across our home star.

Still, how would Pixabay feel if a Russian news site, ― ironically, the name means “truth” ― took that same picture, added two more black dots, called them all UFOs and claimed this was, in fact, a picture captured by a NASA “STEREO spacecraft”?

Source - Huffpost (read full story)

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