Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Dossier of alien sightings that will be released after the election could help solve 'Britain's Roswell' UFO mystery

By Tim Collins For Mailonline
May 2017

A dossier of 18 MoD papers was due to be released in March this year
A German site has claimed that Brexit is to blame for the delay in publication
The files are expected to be made public after the UK general election in June
Details of a UFO sighting by military personnel in 1980 may be among them
A dossier of files kept secret by the UK government for almost 50 years could be released after June's general election.

The documents will be published by the National Archives and are believed to contain details of sightings of UFOs over almost five decades.

And alien hunters are hoping they will reveal evidence of a cover-up of a number of high profile incidents they believe are related to extra-terrestrials, including in Rendlesham Forest in 1980, dubbed 'Britain's Roswell.'

A dossier of files kept secret by the UK government for almost 50 years could be released after June's general election that shed light on a number of high profile UFO sightings (artist's impression pictured), including in Rendlesham Forest in 1980
(stock image)

Source -Daily Mail (Read More)

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