Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Alien base in the Antarctic? ET hunter claims this is a crashed UFO at the South Pole

THIS dark object poking out of snow and ice in the Antarctic is the tip of a 1,900-ft UFO, it has extraordinarily been claimed.


It has been claimed this satellite images shows a crashed UFO in the Antarctic.

A Russian alien conspiracy theorist says these satellite images show the possible wreckage of a huge alien spaceship which crashed in Antarctica.

UFO chaser Valentin Degteryov says he found the "crash site" on Google Earth.

He then posted the images online for other UFO spotters to debate.

Theories about secret bases in the Antarctic have circulated for years – with one conspiracy detailing that the Nazis had secret bases in the southernmost continent which they used to experiment on captured UFOs during WWII.

But, his staggering claim has been dismissed by many who believe it is just rocks jutting out of the ice.

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