Saturday, May 13, 2017

Alien abduction? Unsolved mystery of man ‘who disappeared into space’ after building UFO

Granger Taylor and the UFO he created in his parents' back yard.

A SKILLED mechanic who built a replica UFO in his backyard was never seen again after disappearing following claims he was in constant contact with aliens.


PUBLISHED: 17:49, Fri, May 12, 2017UPDATED: 19:42, Fri, May 12, 2017

Granger Taylor vanished from his parents' home at Duncan, on Vancouver Island, British Colombia, Canada, without a trace at the age of 32 in 1980.

It remains one of the most bizarre unsolved missing persons cases on record.

Granger was a talented mechanic, who dropped out of high school early but was able to build a one-cylinder automobile at just 14.

His most memorable project was constructing a UFO-like shelter from two satellite dishes that he fitted with furniture, a TV and a stove.

But his fascination with the possibility of alien visitations became more serious when he alleged to experience constant contact from alien beings who promised to take him to their world.

Read full story
News source - Express

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